What to Expect

Frequently Asked Questions

How old are people?

Can I talk with a Pastor?

Will my kids be safe?

What time should I arrive?

What is worship like?

Are visitors asked to stand up?

What is preaching like?

How long is Sunday service?

What should I wear?

Is there programming for Youth?

Where do my kids go?

How do I get there?
Here is our address: 8311 IN-32, Farmland, IN 47340

Will there be refreshments?
Our Higher Grounds Coffee Shop is typically open prior to the service and serves a variety of frappes, lattes, and mochas. Sometimes there are refreshments after the service for special occasions.

How old are people?
All ages are represented, from young families with newborns to families just getting used to the “empty nest” to couples or individuals who are in their golden years. We love being a multi-generational congregation and believe we can all learn from and appreciate one another.

Can I talk with a Pastor?
Yes! One of our pastors will generally be available in the Coffee Shop area after the service. If you do not see a pastor to talk to, you may use our “Connect Card” or email churchemails@farmlandfriends.org to request an appointment. All our pastors are eager to serve you!

Will my kids be safe?
We take safety seriously! Farmland Friends Church abides by the safe church guidelines developed through consultation with insurance companies and our umbrella organization, Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends. A copy of our safety policy is available upon request.

What time should I arrive?
Our Sunday morning worship celebration begins at 10 a.m. A few minutes early will give you the chance to stop by the Higher Grounds Coffee Shop, check in children, and find a comfortable seat.

What is worship like?
Our worship style is relaxed and mostly contemporary. Our goal is to come into the presence of Jesus to give Him praise and to be led by His Spirit. Worship music is led by a small band with guitar, bass, keys, drums, and vocalists. There may be high-energy music as well as songs that help us open our hearts to God’s presence. We often have a time for sharing praises and prayer requests, and usually the Lead Pastor shares a biblically based message that is relevant and practical.

Are visitors asked to stand up?
No, visitors are not asked to stand up. We are happy when new comers are among us, but we do not put them on the spot. We do hope you experience the friendly welcome attitude of many of our attendees!

What is preaching like?
Pastor Keith preaches/teaches using the Bible as his authority and source of truth. Our goal is to inspire and inform those gathered in such a way that God is glorified and our faith in Him is strengthened and applied to real life issues.

How long is Sunday service?
Our worship time can vary, but the service is usually about an hour and fifteen minutes. We want to be free to follow the Holy Spirit, and also respect time needs of others.

What should I wear?
You don’t need to get dressed up to come to Farmland Friends. Be yourself, and wear whatever you are comfortable with. You’ll see a bit of everything – shorts, t-shirts, sandals, dresses, skirts, button down shirts, and even a tie will show up once in a while. What you wear is not important to us because we don’t believe it is important to Jesus. Come as you are, you’ll be loved.

Is there programming for Youth?
Yes! We have a youth group that meets Sundays from 4:30p.m. to 7:00p.m.

Where do my kids go?
You are always welcome to have children remain with you in worship, but typically, parents check their children in at the kiosk in the children’s department. Younger children go directly to their classrooms, while older (Kidzone) children attend worship with parents and are dismissed prior to the pastor’s message. At the check-in station, you’ll receive a warm welcome and a security label for your child, and then you’ll will be shown to one of the following areas:

  • Nursery for Infants and toddlers not yet potty trained.
  • Promiseland for children potty trained through three years old.
  • Discoveryland for children in preschool through first grade.
  • KidZone for children 2nd grade through 6th grade.


Have Any Questions?

Questions? Prayer needs? We would love to be of help to you. Please feel free to contact us any time by phone at (765) 468-6485 or by using our contact form.